Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Random Rant on Feb 19

Some days all I can think about is how little I have to complain about.
Some days all I can do is complain.
Some days are both.
weird... I know.

I'm really excited right now, about photography and life, and how they are merging constantly in my life. It seems to consume most of my free thought time. I am selling one lens, and buying a new one. I am sooo excited about this new one. Its a Nikkor 35-70 2.8 from the 90's in perfect condition. It does macro also. Oh man. I think it will be a great portrait lens. And just a great walk around lens. I didn't put my 24mm 2.8 to much use, but something with a low aperture and a zoom I think I could use as a good walk around lens, and especially for wedding things.

Oh man. Weddings. I mean, they're great. I love the happy people and shooting weddings is fun. I'm just curious about why everyone is in such a hurry? I guess, if you're ready then go for it. I think sometimes its just easy to get caught in the "progression". Ya know, its like everyone knows you go to preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, jr high, high school, college, then you get married and get a job and have kids. Big jump, I know, but that just seems like we have to separate our lives into step by step adventures. It seems a bit scripted, but maybe its just me. Life isn't one size fits all. Maybe its one size fits most.

I mean, if you're ready for all that, that is awesome. And if you need a photographer, contact me. :)

It might be a little late for a fall picture, as spring is just around the corner, I just like this picture.


Fodoz said...

i lika dees pictoor too. it reminds me of october break in omaha.

my mom told me about how when she was in college, all the girls she knew from college ministry got married in a hurry because they were all dating someone ELSE in college ministry and they didn't want to have sex before marriage. like...accidentally. isn't that interesting.

i'm so glad you blogged again!

Fodoz said...

i can't wait till you post the fairy tale version of this picture.