Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Facebook is watching...

Does it freak anyone else out that there is a single database located somewhere within the states that contains a massive amount of their personal information? Assuming you have an account with them. I mean, a massive amount of people are even smart enough to give facebook their phone number. They've got all your demographics and track so many of your moves. They know so much more about you than you know about them.
Get this:
Facebook had a program for a while called "Beacon". Not Bacon. This program tracked your online purchases (if you granted it the initial permission, which you may have even done not knowing). It would see what you purchased at specific sites, like Amazon (which I'll get to later). Anywho, while Facebook still had this program, a man purchased a diamond ring at such a site. At that time, all his friends and his girlfriend all had on their news feeds "*Insert dudes name* Has Purchased This Diamond Ring". So basically all his friends and his girlfriend saw and knew that he was going to purpose. Screwed. Some surprise, eh? Nice one Facebook.
So this is pretty horrible. But its even more horrible on the large scale of things. Facebook is watching.
Sites like Amazon that track your purchasing history can also have some dirt on you. They will take your purchases and searches and be so kind as to recommend things to you based on people with similar purchases and searches. I guess this small thing isn't a huge deal, but this sort of information is often traded to other companies and crap like that.
Also, they also hold all your credit card information if you store it on their site. One database break in and some l337 haxxor has all the info they need to be you in cyber world.
My Cyber Security teacher asked us at the beginning of the year, "Are you paranoid about your online security?". He insisted that by the end of the semester we would be.
So I have begun to question, is the info I put on Facebook and on this blog information I wouldnt mind the entire world having? I mean, Google attempted to purchase Facebook at one point. Microsoft did successfully purchase like 1% or something for like $200 million or something, but can you imagine all your information available to a major corporation? It may seem harmless to you now... but I urge you to consider the information you've released. I dont know. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

or maybe you're not paranoid enough yet.

haha, I dont even know. Its like 3:08 a.m. and I'm not getting any search queries from ChaCha, so this is what happens. Late night ramblings of an internet addict.


Breezy said...

I found you randomly... and thanks for the insight. Technology is crazy.

breezylucia said...


i like the new layout, and that photo at the top is NUTS, in a good way